Madeline presented a poster at the 2022 European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Congress in Edinburgh"

October 11-14, 2022

Bea and Mercedes were awarded the Young Investigator Award at the 6th International Workshop on Humanized Mice for their talk "A novel human liver chimeric mouse model lacking the murine AAVR gene for validation of AAV gene therapy vectors"

October 13th, 2022

Several lab members attended and presented at SSIEM Annual Symposium in Freiburg, Germany"

Aug 30-Sept 2, 2022

Tong and Mercedes presented at the 25th Annual ASGCT conference in Washington DC, both receiving travel awards

May 16-19, 2022

Dimi organized and spoke at the EMBO Practical Course "Humanized mice, personalized therapies and big data in Heidelberg

June 12-17, 2022


Congratulations to Dr. Nika Furey on her successful thesis defense!

February 5, 2021


Congratulations to Dr. Collin Johnson on his successful thesis defense!

December 18, 2020


We've moved! The Bissig lab has joined the Division of Medical Genetics within the Department of Pediatrics at Duke University School of Medicine

September 30, 2019